Личный кабинет

17. Грамматика и лексика. Задание 2

7 мая

Английский язык (11 класс). Урок 17

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Mount Everest

(1) Mount Everest is 8,863 meters above sea level. (2) It is part of the Himalayan range in South Asia.

(3) Despite its awesome height, the mountain (CLIMB) ________ many times.

(4) Sir Edmund Hillary and his guide, Tenzing Norgay, were the (ONE) ________ to climb the mountain, reaching the summit on May 29, 1953.

(5) Mount Everest attracts well-experienced mountaineers as well as novice climbers, quite a few (WOMAN) ________ among them.
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Это задание составили эксперты «СтатГрада» для Яндекса


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The Thorn Birds

The book (BRING)________ the writer international fame as soon as it was published.
Это задание взято из демовариантов ФИПИ 2018-2020


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Treasure Not Trash

(1) Collage is a well-practiced and popular form of art.

(2) It appears in all kinds of media that artists may work in today, including the (DIGIT) ________ formats.

(3) Collage combines colour and texture of (VARY) ________ items that are often (RELATED) ________ to each other.

(4) You can make a self-portrait, a picture of a (FAVOUR) ________ pet, or a scene using collage as the format.

(5) It is good to be kind to the environment, too, and to use things that are recyclable. (6) Things that are deemed (USE) ________ trash and scrap make great art for those with a (CREATE) ________ goal in mind!
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Это задание составили эксперты «СтатГрада» для Яндекса


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The Loneliest Island

(1) In the middle of the cold South Atlantic Ocean, one island stands alone. (2) It lies near Antarctica.

(3) But it is far enough away that early explorers had (DIFFICULT) ________ finding it.

(4) At about four miles long, the island is covered with glaciers. (5) It is home to an (ACTIVE) ________ volcano and huge amounts of ice. (6) The island is cold year-round, with an average temperature of about 29° F.

(7) The steep cliffs that surround the island make sea landings almost (POSSIBLE) ________. (8) This is Bouvet Island, the loneliest island in the world. (9) A French explorer discovered Bouvet Island in 1739.

(10) However, the island was so difficult to approach that nobody set foot on it for (NEAR) ________ a hundred years. (11) No people live on Bouvet Island, and little vegetation grows there.

(12) In recent years, Bouvet Island has had a little more (INTERACT) ________ with the world.

(13) Norway, which claimed the island in 1928, set up an unmanned weather station there in 1977. (14) Today, this quiet island near the South Pole sends weather data to a satellite, which transmits the information to (RESEARCH) ________ in Norway. (15) Meanwhile, Bouvet Island stands strong and silent in the harsh climate.
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Это задание составили эксперты «СтатГрада» для Яндекса