Личный кабинет

Тренировочный вариант Яндекс.ЕГЭ по английскому языку № 8 за 2014 год

Тренировочный вариант состоит из 29 заданий. Ответом может быть целое число, десятичная дробь (записывайте её через запятую, вот так: 2,5) или последовательность цифр (пишите без пробелов: 97531). Закончив работу, нажмите «Завершить тест». Яндекс.Репетитор подсчитает ваш результат и покажет верные ответы.

1. Задание#T21384

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Making the Difference

Mу life is the same as millions of others'. I'm a wife and mother to two great kids. I work as a sales advisor and spend my weekends pottering about in the kitchen or garden. But eight years ago, my "normal", Liverpool-centred life changed forever. I've always donated money to various charities. But rather than just giving money, I also wanted to help people face to face, so I decided to look for a project abroad. On the Internet I read about an Indian organization called the Rural Development Society. I knew very little about India, but I discovered that people in Tamil Nadu, the poorest state in Southern India, were in dire need of help.

I talked it through with my husband Paul, but I don’t think he expected me to go through with it.

Still, I sent a letter offering my services and within a few weeks received a reply from Manhoran, the chief of Ananandal village. In broken English, he explained how excited they were to think that someone would want to come to help them. My decision was made.

My husband was not enthusiastic about my going there, but he also knew how important it was to me. And, though my sons said they'd miss their mum, they knew it'd only be for a few months.

I booked a flight and wrote to Chief Manhoran that I was coming.

Nothing could have prepared me for my arrival at Chennai airport. The noise, the heat and the bustle was totally alien - as were the surroundings. I got to work straight away teaching at the small local school funded by the Rural Development Society, for six days a week.

Day-to-day life was a total culture shock. With no electricity or running water, everything was exceedingly basic. But despite the shockingly simple life, not for one moment did I regret going. The kindness of the villagers was all-encompassing. In return for me showing them respect for their culture, they gave me their all. My Hindi was awful, but we communicated with smiles, laughter and hugs.

From arriving in a desolate village full of strangers, they'd become my friends. I started to look at the place with the utmost affection. And despite looking forward to my trip back to Liverpool, it felt like home.

I started teaching the village children the alphabet under the tree by the hut. Every day more and more children turned up. It was soon impossible for me to manage on my own. I found a local teacher and we started to share evening classes. We settled into a routine, splitting them into groups of older and younger children - named my Little and Big Darlings.

The day before the end of my three-month stay, I was overwhelmed when 2,000 villagers begged me to stay and continue with the school. There was no way I could remain there - I missed my husband and children. But I promised to be back.

My husband was incredibly proud of how far we'd come, but never felt the urge to visit Ananandal. He and our sons prefer to stay at home and help raise money for the school over here.

Since then the school has got bigger and bigger and now we have 500 pupils. The best thing is that the school recently came second in the annual exams of the whole of Southern India. I've thought about going to live there, but my life, my job and family are in England so I'm happy just visiting.

When I'm back in Liverpool people say how proud I must be of myself. To a certain extent I am. But I'm more proud of my Little and Big Darlings who come to school every day with a smile, desperate to learn. They're the inspiration, not me.

Показать полностью
The author decided to go to work abroad because ...
  1. she felt bored with her life in Liverpool.
  2. she needed to earn money for charity.
  3. she was eager to help people directly.
  4. she wanted to see India.
Запишите в поле для ответа номер правильного варианта.

2. Задание#T14135

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Making the Difference

Mу life is the same as millions of others'. I'm a wife and mother to two great kids. I work as a sales advisor and spend my weekends pottering about in the kitchen or garden. But eight years ago, my "normal", Liverpool-centred life changed forever.

I've always donated money to various charities. But rather than just giving money, I also wanted to help people face to face, so I decided to look for a project abroad. On the Internet I read about an Indian organization called the Rural Development Society. I knew very little about India, but I discovered that people in Tamil Nadu, the poorest state in Southern India, were in dire need of help.

I talked it through with my husband Paul, but I don’t think he expected me to go through with it.

Still, I sent a letter offering my services and within a few weeks received a reply from Manhoran, the chief of Ananandal village. In broken English, he explained how excited they were to think that someone would want to come to help them. My decision was made.

My husband was not enthusiastic about my going there, but he also knew how important it was to me. And, though my sons said they'd miss their mum, they knew it'd only be for a few months.

I booked a flight and wrote to Chief Manhoran that I was coming.

Nothing could have prepared me for my arrival at Chennai airport. The noise, the heat and the bustle was totally alien – as were the surroundings. I got to work straight away teaching at the small local school funded by the Rural Development Society, for six days a week.

Day-to-day life was a total culture shock. With no electricity or running water, everything was exceedingly basic. But despite the shockingly simple life, not for one moment did I regret going. The kindness of the villagers was all-encompassing. In return for me showing them respect for their culture, they gave me their all. My Hindi was awful, but we communicated with smiles, laughter and hugs.

From arriving in a desolate village full of strangers, they'd become my friends. I started to look at the place with the utmost affection. And despite looking forward to my trip back to Liverpool, it felt like home.

I started teaching the village children the alphabet under the tree by the hut. Every day more and more children turned up. It was soon impossible for me to manage on my own. I found a local teacher and we started to share evening classes. We settled into a routine, splitting them into groups of older and younger children – named my Little and Big Darlings.

The day before the end of my three-month stay, I was overwhelmed when 2,000 villagers begged me to stay and continue with the school. There was no way I could remain there – I missed my husband and children. But I promised to be back.

My husband was incredibly proud of how far we'd come, but never felt the urge to visit Ananandal. He and our sons prefer to stay at home and help raise money for the school over here.

Since then the school has got bigger and bigger and now we have 500 pupils. The best thing is that the school recently came second in the annual exams of the whole of Southern India. I've thought about going to live there, but my life, my job and family are in England so I'm happy just visiting.

When I'm back in Liverpool people say how proud I must be of myself. To a certain extent I am. But I'm more proud of my Little and Big Darlings who come to school every day with a smile, desperate to learn. They're the inspiration, not me.

Показать полностью
How did the author learn about the place she was going to visit?
  1. From the letter of a person living at this place.
  2. From the charity fund she was working for.
  3. From the Internet.
  4. From her husband.
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3. Задание#T21385

Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задание.

Making the Difference

Mу life is the same as millions of others'. I'm a wife and mother to two great kids. I work as a sales advisor and spend my weekends pottering about in the kitchen or garden. But eight years ago, my "normal", Liverpool-centred life changed forever. I've always donated money to various charities. But rather than just giving money, I also wanted to help people face to face, so I decided to look for a project abroad. On the Internet I read about an Indian organization called the Rural Development Society. I knew very little about India, but I discovered that people in Tamil Nadu, the poorest state in Southern India, were in dire need of help.

I talked it through with my husband Paul, but I don’t think he expected me to go through with it.

Still, I sent a letter offering my services and within a few weeks received a reply from Manhoran, the chief of Ananandal village. In broken English, he explained how excited they were to think that someone would want to come to help them. My decision was made.

My husband was not enthusiastic about my going there, but he also knew how important it was to me. And, though my sons said they'd miss their mum, they knew it'd only be for a few months.

I booked a flight and wrote to Chief Manhoran that I was coming.

Nothing could have prepared me for my arrival at Chennai airport. The noise, the heat and the bustle was totally alien - as were the surroundings. I got to work straight away teaching at the small local school funded by the Rural Development Society, for six days a week.

Day-to-day life was a total culture shock. With no electricity or running water, everything was exceedingly basic. But despite the shockingly simple life, not for one moment did I regret going. The kindness of the villagers was all-encompassing. In return for me showing them respect for their culture, they gave me their all. My Hindi was awful, but we communicated with smiles, laughter and hugs.

From arriving in a desolate village full of strangers, they'd become my friends. I started to look at the place with the utmost affection. And despite looking forward to my trip back to Liverpool, it felt like home.

I started teaching the village children the alphabet under the tree by the hut. Every day more and more children turned up. It was soon impossible for me to manage on my own. I found a local teacher and we started to share evening classes. We settled into a routine, splitting them into groups of older and younger children - named my Little and Big Darlings.

The day before the end of my three-month stay, I was overwhelmed when 2,000 villagers begged me to stay and continue with the school. There was no way I could remain there - I missed my husband and children. But I promised to be back.

My husband was incredibly proud of how far we'd come, but never felt the urge to visit Ananandal. He and our sons prefer to stay at home and help raise money for the school over here.

Since then the school has got bigger and bigger and now we have 500 pupils. The best thing is that the school recently came second in the annual exams of the whole of Southern India. I've thought about going to live there, but my life, my job and family are in England so I'm happy just visiting.

When I'm back in Liverpool people say how proud I must be of myself. To a certain extent I am. But I'm more proud of my Little and Big Darlings who come to school every day with a smile, desperate to learn. They're the inspiration, not me.

Показать полностью
What was the attitude of the author’s family to her decision?
  1. They were happy and wanted to accompany her.
  2. They encouraged her to go there.
  3. They were opposed to her going there.
  4. They respected her decision.
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4. Задание#T21386

Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задание.

Making the Difference

Mу life is the same as millions of others'. I'm a wife and mother to two great kids. I work as a sales advisor and spend my weekends pottering about in the kitchen or garden. But eight years ago, my "normal", Liverpool-centred life changed forever.

I've always donated money to various charities. But rather than just giving money, I also wanted to help people face to face, so I decided to look for a project abroad. On the Internet I read about an Indian organization called the Rural Development Society. I knew very little about India, but I discovered that people in Tamil Nadu, the poorest state in Southern India, were in dire need of help.

I talked it through with my husband Paul, but I don’t think he expected me to go through with it.

Still, I sent a letter offering my services and within a few weeks received a reply from Manhoran, the chief of Ananandal village. In broken English, he explained how excited they were to think that someone would want to come to help them. My decision was made.

My husband was not enthusiastic about my going there, but he also knew how important it was to me. And, though my sons said they'd miss their mum, they knew it'd only be for a few months.

I booked a flight and wrote to Chief Manhoran that I was coming.

Nothing could have prepared me for my arrival at Chennai airport. The noise, the heat and the bustle was totally alien - as were the surroundings. I got to work straight away teaching at the small local school funded by the Rural Development Society, for six days a week.

Day-to-day life was a total culture shock. With no electricity or running water, everything was exceedingly basic. But despite the shockingly simple life, not for one moment did I regret going. The kindness of the villagers was all-encompassing. In return for me showing them respect for their culture, they gave me their all. My Hindi was awful, but we communicated with smiles, laughter and hugs.

From arriving in a desolate village full of strangers, they'd become my friends. I started to look at the place with the utmost affection. And despite looking forward to my trip back to Liverpool, it felt like home.

I started teaching the village children the alphabet under the tree by the hut. Every day more and more children turned up. It was soon impossible for me to manage on my own. I found a local teacher and we started to share evening classes. We settled into a routine, splitting them into groups of older and younger children - named my Little and Big Darlings.

The day before the end of my three-month stay, I was overwhelmed when 2,000 villagers begged me to stay and continue with the school. There was no way I could remain there - I missed my husband and children. But I promised to be back.

My husband was incredibly proud of how far we'd come, but never felt the urge to visit Ananandal. He and our sons prefer to stay at home and help raise money for the school over here.

Since then the school has got bigger and bigger and now we have 500 pupils. The best thing is that the school recently came second in the annual exams of the whole of Southern India. I've thought about going to live there, but my life, my job and family are in England so I'm happy just visiting.

When I'm back in Liverpool people say how proud I must be of myself. To a certain extent I am. But I'm more proud of my Little and Big Darlings who come to school every day with a smile, desperate to learn. They're the inspiration, not me.

Показать полностью
How did the author feel after arriving in India?
  1. Disappointed.
  2. Shocked.
  3. Scared.
  4. Angry.
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5. Задание#T21387

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Making the Difference

Mу life is the same as millions of others'. I'm a wife and mother to two great kids. I work as a sales advisor and spend my weekends pottering about in the kitchen or garden. But eight years ago, my "normal", Liverpool-centred life changed forever.

I've always donated money to various charities. But rather than just giving money, I also wanted to help people face to face, so I decided to look for a project abroad. On the Internet I read about an Indian organization called the Rural Development Society. I knew very little about India, but I discovered that people in Tamil Nadu, the poorest state in Southern India, were in dire need of help.

I talked it through with my husband Paul, but I don’t think he expected me to go through with it.

Still, I sent a letter offering my services and within a few weeks received a reply from Manhoran, the chief of Ananandal village. In broken English, he explained how excited they were to think that someone would want to come to help them. My decision was made.

My husband was not enthusiastic about my going there, but he also knew how important it was to me. And, though my sons said they'd miss their mum, they knew it'd only be for a few months.

I booked a flight and wrote to Chief Manhoran that I was coming.

Nothing could have prepared me for my arrival at Chennai airport. The noise, the heat and the bustle was totally alien - as were the surroundings. I got to work straight away teaching at the small local school funded by the Rural Development Society, for six days a week.

Day-to-day life was a total culture shock. With no electricity or running water, everything was exceedingly basic. But despite the shockingly simple life, not for one moment did I regret going. The kindness of the villagers was all-encompassing. In return for me showing them respect for their culture, they gave me their all. My Hindi was awful, but we communicated with smiles, laughter and hugs.

From arriving in a desolate village full of strangers, they'd become my friends. I started to look at the place with the utmost affection. And despite looking forward to my trip back to Liverpool, it felt like home.

I started teaching the village children the alphabet under the tree by the hut. Every day more and more children turned up. It was soon impossible for me to manage on my own. I found a local teacher and we started to share evening classes. We settled into a routine, splitting them into groups of older and younger children - named my Little and Big Darlings.

The day before the end of my three-month stay, I was overwhelmed when 2,000 villagers begged me to stay and continue with the school. There was no way I could remain there - I missed my husband and children. But I promised to be back.

My husband was incredibly proud of how far we'd come, but never felt the urge to visit Ananandal. He and our sons prefer to stay at home and help raise money for the school over here.

Since then the school has got bigger and bigger and now we have 500 pupils. The best thing is that the school recently came second in the annual exams of the whole of Southern India. I've thought about going to live there, but my life, my job and family are in England so I'm happy just visiting.

When I'm back in Liverpool people say how proud I must be of myself. To a certain extent I am. But I'm more proud of my Little and Big Darlings who come to school every day with a smile, desperate to learn. They're the inspiration, not me.

Показать полностью
During her stay in Ananandal the author was happy because ...
  1. she managed to improve the living conditions of the villagers.
  2. the villagers became her close friends and she felt at home.
  3. she organized a school with her own money.
  4. she learned Hindi.
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6. Задание#T21388

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Making the Difference

Mу life is the same as millions of others'. I'm a wife and mother to two great kids. I work as a sales advisor and spend my weekends pottering about in the kitchen or garden. But eight years ago, my "normal", Liverpool-centred life changed forever. I've always donated money to various charities. But rather than just giving money, I also wanted to help people face to face, so I decided to look for a project abroad. On the Internet I read about an Indian organization called the Rural Development Society. I knew very little about India, but I discovered that people in Tamil Nadu, the poorest state in Southern India, were in dire need of help.

I talked it through with my husband Paul, but I don’t think he expected me to go through with it.

Still, I sent a letter offering my services and within a few weeks received a reply from Manhoran, the chief of Ananandal village. In broken English, he explained how excited they were to think that someone would want to come to help them. My decision was made.

My husband was not enthusiastic about my going there, but he also knew how important it was to me. And, though my sons said they'd miss their mum, they knew it'd only be for a few months.

I booked a flight and wrote to Chief Manhoran that I was coming.

Nothing could have prepared me for my arrival at Chennai airport. The noise, the heat and the bustle was totally alien - as were the surroundings. I got to work straight away teaching at the small local school funded by the Rural Development Society, for six days a week.

Day-to-day life was a total culture shock. With no electricity or running water, everything was exceedingly basic. But despite the shockingly simple life, not for one moment did I regret going. The kindness of the villagers was all-encompassing. In return for me showing them respect for their culture, they gave me their all. My Hindi was awful, but we communicated with smiles, laughter and hugs.

From arriving in a desolate village full of strangers, they'd become my friends. I started to look at the place with the utmost affection. And despite looking forward to my trip back to Liverpool, it felt like home.

I started teaching the village children the alphabet under the tree by the hut. Every day more and more children turned up. It was soon impossible for me to manage on my own. I found a local teacher and we started to share evening classes. We settled into a routine, splitting them into groups of older and younger children - named my Little and Big Darlings.

The day before the end of my three-month stay, I was overwhelmed when 2,000 villagers begged me to stay and continue with the school. There was no way I could remain there - I missed my husband and children. But I promised to be back.

My husband was incredibly proud of how far we'd come, but never felt the urge to visit Ananandal. He and our sons prefer to stay at home and help raise money for the school over here.

Since then the school has got bigger and bigger and now we have 500 pupils. The best thing is that the school recently came second in the annual exams of the whole of Southern India. I've thought about going to live there, but my life, my job and family are in England so I'm happy just visiting.

When I'm back in Liverpool people say how proud I must be of myself. To a certain extent I am. But I'm more proud of my Little and Big Darlings who come to school every day with a smile, desperate to learn. They're the inspiration, not me.

Показать полностью
What are the author’s plans for the future?
  1. To visit her school in Ananandal as often as possible.
  2. To stay in England and raise money for the school.
  3. To move to India with her family.
  4. Not to leave India any more.
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7. Задание#T21389

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Making the Difference

Mу life is the same as millions of others'. I'm a wife and mother to two great kids. I work as a sales advisor and spend my weekends pottering about in the kitchen or garden. But eight years ago, my "normal", Liverpool-centred life changed forever. I've always donated money to various charities. But rather than just giving money, I also wanted to help people face to face, so I decided to look for a project abroad. On the Internet I read about an Indian organization called the Rural Development Society. I knew very little about India, but I discovered that people in Tamil Nadu, the poorest state in Southern India, were in dire need of help.

I talked it through with my husband Paul, but I don’t think he expected me to go through with it.

Still, I sent a letter offering my services and within a few weeks received a reply from Manhoran, the chief of Ananandal village. In broken English, he explained how excited they were to think that someone would want to come to help them. My decision was made.

My husband was not enthusiastic about my going there, but he also knew how important it was to me. And, though my sons said they'd miss their mum, they knew it'd only be for a few months.

I booked a flight and wrote to Chief Manhoran that I was coming.

Nothing could have prepared me for my arrival at Chennai airport. The noise, the heat and the bustle was totally alien - as were the surroundings. I got to work straight away teaching at the small local school funded by the Rural Development Society, for six days a week.

Day-to-day life was a total culture shock. With no electricity or running water, everything was exceedingly basic. But despite the shockingly simple life, not for one moment did I regret going. The kindness of the villagers was all-encompassing. In return for me showing them respect for their culture, they gave me their all. My Hindi was awful, but we communicated with smiles, laughter and hugs.

From arriving in a desolate village full of strangers, they'd become my friends. I started to look at the place with the utmost affection. And despite looking forward to my trip back to Liverpool, it felt like home.

I started teaching the village children the alphabet under the tree by the hut. Every day more and more children turned up. It was soon impossible for me to manage on my own. I found a local teacher and we started to share evening classes. We settled into a routine, splitting them into groups of older and younger children - named my Little and Big Darlings.

The day before the end of my three-month stay, I was overwhelmed when 2,000 villagers begged me to stay and continue with the school. There was no way I could remain there - I missed my husband and children. But I promised to be back.

My husband was incredibly proud of how far we'd come, but never felt the urge to visit Ananandal. He and our sons prefer to stay at home and help raise money for the school over here.

Since then the school has got bigger and bigger and now we have 500 pupils. The best thing is that the school recently came second in the annual exams of the whole of Southern India. I've thought about going to live there, but my life, my job and family are in England so I'm happy just visiting.

When I'm back in Liverpool people say how proud I must be of myself. To a certain extent I am. But I'm more proud of my Little and Big Darlings who come to school every day with a smile, desperate to learn. They're the inspiration, not me.

Показать полностью
The author believes that ...
  1. she managed to achieve success only thanks to the help of her family.
  2. the hard work of her students should be admired.
  3. her husband and sons should join her in India.
  4. it was a mistake to come back to Liverpool.
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8. Задание#T21390

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными буквами A–G.


Daniel sailed out of Southampton on the Queen Mary that evening with his mother waving from the dockside. It was nice to have someone to see him (A)________, someone who cared about him. Daniel showed his passport to a ship’s officer at the gangplank and walked up into the ship. On deck, a steward looked at his ticket and directed him to his (B)________. It was small but quite comfortable. He was excited as a child about his first trip abroad. While on board the great liner he wrote a long letter to his parents, which he posted five days later from Fifth Avenue. Early the following morning he purchased a ticket at a (C)________ agency for a Pullman to Chicago. The train pulled out of Penn station at eight the same night, Daniel having spent a total of six hours in Manhattan where his only other purchase was a guide book of America. He couldn’t (D)________ thinking about his parents. His parents didn’t know that he was going to Australia. They were sure he was going to spend his holidays in the USA.

Once the express had (E)________ the station, the Pullman carriage was attached to the super Chief which took him all the (F)________ to San Francisco. Whenever the train pulled into a new station Daniel would leap off, buy a colourful postcard that indicated exactly where he was, fill in the white space with yet more information gained from the guide book before the train started to move. He would then post the filled-in card at the following stop and repeat the process. By the time the express had arrived (G)________ Oakland station, San Francisco, Daniel had posted twenty-seven different cards back to his parents in the Little Boltons.

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Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответ, соответствующий пропуску, обозначенному буквой A.
  1. about
  2. to
  3. off
  4. on
Укажите в поле для ответа номер выбранного вами варианта.

9. Задание#T21391

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными буквами A–G.


Daniel sailed out of Southampton on the Queen Mary that evening with his mother waving from the dockside. It was nice to have someone to see him (A)________, someone who cared about him. Daniel showed his passport to a ship’s officer at the gangplank and walked up into the ship. On deck, a steward looked at his ticket and directed him to his (B)________. It was small but quite comfortable. He was excited as a child about his first trip abroad. While on board the great liner he wrote a long letter to his parents, which he posted five days later from Fifth Avenue. Early the following morning he purchased a ticket at a (C)________ agency for a Pullman to Chicago. The train pulled out of Penn station at eight the same night, Daniel having spent a total of six hours in Manhattan where his only other purchase was a guide book of America. He couldn’t (D)________ thinking about his parents. His parents didn’t know that he was going to Australia. They were sure he was going to spend his holidays in the USA.

Once the express had (E)________ the station, the Pullman carriage was attached to the super Chief which took him all the (F)________ to San Francisco. Whenever the train pulled into a new station Daniel would leap off, buy a colourful postcard that indicated exactly where he was, fill in the white space with yet more information gained from the guide book before the train started to move. He would then post the filled-in card at the following stop and repeat the process. By the time the express had arrived (G)________ Oakland station, San Francisco, Daniel had posted twenty-seven different cards back to his parents in the Little Boltons.

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Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответ, соответствующий пропуску, обозначенному буквой B.
  1. compartment
  2. cabin
  3. carriage
  4. suit
Укажите в поле для ответа номер выбранного вами варианта.

10. Задание#T21392

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными буквами A–G.


Daniel sailed out of Southampton on the Queen Mary that evening with his mother waving from the dockside. It was nice to have someone to see him (A)________, someone who cared about him. Daniel showed his passport to a ship’s officer at the gangplank and walked up into the ship. On deck, a steward looked at his ticket and directed him to his (B)________. It was small but quite comfortable. He was excited as a child about his first trip abroad. While on board the great liner he wrote a long letter to his parents, which he posted five days later from Fifth Avenue. Early the following morning he purchased a ticket at a (C)________ agency for a Pullman to Chicago. The train pulled out of Penn station at eight the same night, Daniel having spent a total of six hours in Manhattan where his only other purchase was a guide book of America. He couldn’t (D)________ thinking about his parents. His parents didn’t know that he was going to Australia. They were sure he was going to spend his holidays in the USA.

Once the express had (E)________ the station, the Pullman carriage was attached to the super Chief which took him all the (F)________ to San Francisco. Whenever the train pulled into a new station Daniel would leap off, buy a colourful postcard that indicated exactly where he was, fill in the white space with yet more information gained from the guide book before the train started to move. He would then post the filled-in card at the following stop and repeat the process. By the time the express had arrived (G)________ Oakland station, San Francisco, Daniel had posted twenty-seven different cards back to his parents in the Little Boltons.

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Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответ, соответствующий пропуску, обозначенному буквой C.
  1. travel
  2. trip
  3. journey
  4. voyage
Укажите в поле для ответа номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

11. Задание#T21393

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными буквами A–G.


Daniel sailed out of Southampton on the Queen Mary that evening with his mother waving from the dockside. It was nice to have someone to see him (A)________, someone who cared about him. Daniel showed his passport to a ship’s officer at the gangplank and walked up into the ship. On deck, a steward looked at his ticket and directed him to his (B)________. It was small but quite comfortable. He was excited as a child about his first trip abroad. While on board the great liner he wrote a long letter to his parents, which he posted five days later from Fifth Avenue. Early the following morning he purchased a ticket at a (C)________ agency for a Pullman to Chicago. The train pulled out of Penn station at eight the same night, Daniel having spent a total of six hours in Manhattan where his only other purchase was a guide book of America. He couldn’t (D)________ thinking about his parents. His parents didn’t know that he was going to Australia. They were sure he was going to spend his holidays in the USA.

Once the express had (E)________ the station, the Pullman carriage was attached to the super Chief which took him all the (F)________ to San Francisco. Whenever the train pulled into a new station Daniel would leap off, buy a colourful postcard that indicated exactly where he was, fill in the white space with yet more information gained from the guide book before the train started to move. He would then post the filled-in card at the following stop and repeat the process. By the time the express had arrived (G)________ Oakland station, San Francisco, Daniel had posted twenty-seven different cards back to his parents in the Little Boltons.

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Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответ, соответствующий пропуску, обозначенному буквой D.
  1. keep
  2. help
  3. stay
  4. get
Укажите в поле для ответа номер выбранного вами варианта.

12. Задание#T21394

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными буквами A–G.


Daniel sailed out of Southampton on the Queen Mary that evening with his mother waving from the dockside. It was nice to have someone to see him (A)________, someone who cared about him. Daniel showed his passport to a ship’s officer at the gangplank and walked up into the ship. On deck, a steward looked at his ticket and directed him to his (B)________. It was small but quite comfortable. He was excited as a child about his first trip abroad. While on board the great liner he wrote a long letter to his parents, which he posted five days later from Fifth Avenue. Early the following morning he purchased a ticket at a (C)________ agency for a Pullman to Chicago. The train pulled out of Penn station at eight the same night, Daniel having spent a total of six hours in Manhattan where his only other purchase was a guide book of America. He couldn’t (D)________ thinking about his parents. His parents didn’t know that he was going to Australia. They were sure he was going to spend his holidays in the USA.

Once the express had (E)________ the station, the Pullman carriage was attached to the super Chief which took him all the (F)________ to San Francisco. Whenever the train pulled into a new station Daniel would leap off, buy a colourful postcard that indicated exactly where he was, fill in the white space with yet more information gained from the guide book before the train started to move. He would then post the filled-in card at the following stop and repeat the process. By the time the express had arrived (G)________ Oakland station, San Francisco, Daniel had posted twenty-seven different cards back to his parents in the Little Boltons.

Показать полностью
Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответ, соответствующий пропуску, обозначенному буквой E.
  1. reached
  2. went
  3. arrived
  4. came
Укажите в поле для ответа номер выбранного вами варианта.

13. Задание#T21395

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными буквами A–G.


Daniel sailed out of Southampton on the Queen Mary that evening with his mother waving from the dockside. It was nice to have someone to see him (A)________, someone who cared about him. Daniel showed his passport to a ship’s officer at the gangplank and walked up into the ship. On deck, a steward looked at his ticket and directed him to his (B)________. It was small but quite comfortable. He was excited as a child about his first trip abroad. While on board the great liner he wrote a long letter to his parents, which he posted five days later from Fifth Avenue. Early the following morning he purchased a ticket at a (C)________ agency for a Pullman to Chicago. The train pulled out of Penn station at eight the same night, Daniel having spent a total of six hours in Manhattan where his only other purchase was a guide book of America. He couldn’t (D)________ thinking about his parents. His parents didn’t know that he was going to Australia. They were sure he was going to spend his holidays in the USA.

Once the express had (E)________ the station, the Pullman carriage was attached to the super Chief which took him all the (F)________ to San Francisco. Whenever the train pulled into a new station Daniel would leap off, buy a colourful postcard that indicated exactly where he was, fill in the white space with yet more information gained from the guide book before the train started to move. He would then post the filled-in card at the following stop and repeat the process. By the time the express had arrived (G)________ Oakland station, San Francisco, Daniel had posted twenty-seven different cards back to his parents in the Little Boltons.

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Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответ, соответствующий пропуску, обозначенному буквой F.
  1. path
  2. road
  3. way
  4. line
Укажите в поле для ответа номер выбранного вами варианта.

14. Задание#T21396

Прочитайте текст с пропусками, обозначенными буквами A–G.


Daniel sailed out of Southampton on the Queen Mary that evening with his mother waving from the dockside. It was nice to have someone to see him (A)________, someone who cared about him. Daniel showed his passport to a ship’s officer at the gangplank and walked up into the ship. On deck, a steward looked at his ticket and directed him to his (B)________. It was small but quite comfortable. He was excited as a child about his first trip abroad. While on board the great liner he wrote a long letter to his parents, which he posted five days later from Fifth Avenue. Early the following morning he purchased a ticket at a (C)________ agency for a Pullman to Chicago. The train pulled out of Penn station at eight the same night, Daniel having spent a total of six hours in Manhattan where his only other purchase was a guide book of America. He couldn’t (D)________ thinking about his parents. His parents didn’t know that he was going to Australia. They were sure he was going to spend his holidays in the USA.

Once the express had (E)________ the station, the Pullman carriage was attached to the super Chief which took him all the (F)________ to San Francisco. Whenever the train pulled into a new station Daniel would leap off, buy a colourful postcard that indicated exactly where he was, fill in the white space with yet more information gained from the guide book before the train started to move. He would then post the filled-in card at the following stop and repeat the process. By the time the express had arrived (G)________ Oakland station, San Francisco, Daniel had posted twenty-seven different cards back to his parents in the Little Boltons.

Показать полностью
Выберите из предложенных вариантов ответ, соответствующий пропуску, обозначенному буквой G.
  1. in
  2. for
  3. to
  4. at
Укажите в поле для ответа номер выбранного вами варианта ответа.

15. Задание#T21397

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1–8 и текстами A–G.

A. There are a lot of traditions connected with Christmas but perhaps the most important one is the giving of presents. Family members wrap up their gifts and leave them at the bottom of the Christmas tree to be found on Christmas morning. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of their beds on Christmas Eve, 24th December, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and bring them small presents, fruit and nuts.

B. At some time on Christmas day the family will sit down to a big turkey dinner followed by Christmas pudding or Christmas cake. As for Christmas cake, heavy and overfilling it is not to everybody’s taste. To make things worse, it takes weeks to make and when it is ready it can last until Easter, so if you don’t like it, you have to try and eat some at Christmas to avoid being haunted by it months after.

C. Officially Christmas and New Year celebrations run from the 24th of December to the 2nd of January. However, for many Brits the Christmas marathon starts as early as the beginning of October with the first festive adverts on TV. The idea of Christmas shopping is that you spend as much money as you can on anything you cast your eyes on, preferably something neither you nor your family or friends will ever use. An average British family spends 670 pounds or more around the Christmas period.

D. Long live Christmas! -say pickpockets, car thieves and burglars getting their share of Christmas shopping. Every year thousands of people get their wallets stolen in overcrowded shops and streets. Lots of lovely presents, which somebody spent so much time and money on, disappear without a trace when cars and homes are broken into. As much as 9% of people experience a burglary in December.

E. Who doesn’t want to have a white Christmas? Playing snowballs and making a snowman with the whole family on Christmas Day is most people’s dream (apart from the countries like Australia that celebrate Christmas in summer, on the beach). This dream is more likely to come true in northern countries like Russia, but for the British people it’s different. Although it’s not uncommon to get some snow in Scotland and northern England, the rest of Britain is normally only lucky enough to get some frost. In most cases the weather is wet and gloomy.

F. New year is a time for celebrating and making a new start in life. In Britain many people make New Year’s resolutions. This involves people promising themselves that they will improve their behaviour in some way, by giving up bad habits. People might decide to give up smoking, for example, or to go on a diet. These promises are often broken in the first few days of the New Year, however!

G. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. For most families, this is the most important festival of the year. On this day many people are travelling home to be with their families. Most houses are decorated with brightly-coloured paper or holly, and there is usually a Christmas tree in the corner of the front room. Unfortunately, not all families get on well together. As it is a well-known fact, some magazines publish tips on how to cope with Christmas, such as yoga, meditation or holidays abroad.

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Укажите в поле для ответа последовательность цифр, соответствующих буквам ABCDEFG.
Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

16. Задание#T21398

Прочтите текст и выполните задание.

Scotland Yard

Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police in London. To most people, its name immediately brings to mind the picture of a detective – cool, efficient, ready to track down any criminal, or a helmeted police constable – (A)________ and trusty helper of every traveller from overseas.

Scotland Yard is situated on the Thames Embankment close to the Houses of Parliament and the familiar clock tower of Big Ben, and its jurisdiction extends over 740 square miles with the exception of the ancient City of London, (B)________.

One of the most successful developments in Scotland Yard’s crime detection and emergency service has been the “999 system”. On receipt of a call the 999 Room operator ascertains by electronic device the position of the nearest available police car, (C)________. Almost instantly a message is also sent by teleprinter to the police station concerned so that within seconds of a call for assistance being received, a police car is on its way to the scene. An old-established section of the Metropolitan police is the Mounted Branch, with its strength of about 200 horses stabled at strategic points. These horses are particularly suited to ceremonial occasions, (D)________.

An interesting branch of Scotland Yard is the branch of Police Dogs, first used as an experiment in 1939. Now these dogs are an important part of the Force. One dog, for example, can search a warehouse in ten minutes, (E)________.

There is also the River Police, or Thames Division, which deals with all crimes occurring within its river boundaries.

There are two other departments of Scotland Yard – the Witness Room (known as the Rogues’ Gallery) where a photographic record of known and suspected criminals is kept, and the Museum, (F)________.

Показать полностью
Заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.
  1. which is contacted by radio
  2. that familiar figure of the London scene
  3. for they are accustomed to military bands
  4. which possesses its own separate police force
  5. which contains murder relics and forgery exhibits
  6. that this policeman will bring the criminal to justice
  7. whereas the same search would take six men an hour
Укажите в поле для ответа последовательность цифр, соответствующих буквам ABCDEF.

17. Задание#T21399

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE)________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE)________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE)________ with flags and flowers.

(9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE)________ Thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK)________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE)________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD)________ public holidays of the year.

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Преобразуйте слово (BE) в предложении (3) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

18. Задание#T21400

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE)________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE)________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE)________ with flags and flowers.

(9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE)________ Thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK)________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE)________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD)________ public holidays of the year.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (CELEBRATE) в предложении (5) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

19. Задание#T21401

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE)________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE)________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE)________ with flags and flowers.

(9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE)________ Thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK)________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE)________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD)________ public holidays of the year.

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Преобразуйте слово (DECORATE) в предложении (8) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

20. Задание#T21402

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE)________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE)________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE)________ with flags and flowers.

(9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE)________ Thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK)________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE)________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD)________ public holidays of the year.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (ONE) в предложении (10) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

21. Задание#T21403

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE)________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE)________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE)________ with flags and flowers.

(9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE)________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK)________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE)________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD)________ public holidays of the year.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (COOK) в предложении (11) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

22. Задание#T21404

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE)________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE)________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE)________ with flags and flowers.

(9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE)________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK)________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE)________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD)________ public holidays of the year.

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Преобразуйте слово (LIVE) в предложении (12) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

23. Задание#T21405

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Holidays in the USA

(1) What do you know about holidays in the USA? (2) They can be divided into two groups: national and popular holidays. (3) There (BE)________ ten national holidays in the USA.

(4) Independence day is a public holiday. (5) It (CELEBRATE)________ since July 4, 1776 when the thirteen colonies of America declared Independence from England. (6) For many families this is the most important festival of the year.

(7) Usually on this day parades and outdoor picnics with friends and families take place. (8) Most houses (DECORATE)________ with flags and flowers.

(9) Thanksgiving is also a national holiday. (10) The (ONE)________ thanksgiving was observed by the early settlers in Massachusetts in 1629, in gratitude for their successful harvest.

(11) They (COOK)________ wild turkey as one of the main dishes.

(12) Today people invite their relatives and families (LIVE)________ near to dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving.

(13) Most Americans consider Independence Day and Thanksgiving to be the (GOOD)________ public holidays of the year.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (GOOD) в предложении (13) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

24. Задание#T21406

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Looking after the environment

(1) Protecting the environment is now a major concern in Britain. (2) But despite many efforts (VARY) ________ threats to the environment remain.

(3) Unfortunately, there have been many cases of environmental (POLLUTE) ________ in Britain.

(4) These include the dumping of (CHEMISTRY) ________ and other waste on the land, the emission into the air of smoke and other toxic substances from factories, and the discharge of industrial effluents into rivers.

(5) The British have earned the unsavoury reputation of being Europe’s ‘litter louts’. (6) Although there are a lot of litter bins in most towns and public places, many people (SIMPLE) ________ drop unwanted cans, wrappers etc on the ground.

(7) Many people regard environmental issues to be of social importance and make (POLITICS) ________ pay greater attention to their “green” policies.

(8) The Department of the Environment works with the support of a number of voluntary (ORGANIZE) ________ which encourage young people to fight for a better environment. (9) The success of the environmental movement often depends on people between 18 and 30, statistics say.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (VARY) в предложении (2) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

25. Задание#T21407

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Looking after the environment

(1) Protecting the environment is now a major concern in Britain. (2) But despite many efforts (VARY) ________ threats to the environment remain.

(3) Unfortunately, there have been many cases of environmental (POLLUTE) ________ in Britain.

(4) These include the dumping of (CHEMISTRY) ________ and other waste on the land, the emission into the air of smoke and other toxic substances from factories, and the discharge of industrial effluents into rivers.

(5) The British have earned the unsavoury reputation of being Europe’s ‘litter louts’. (6) Although there are a lot of litter bins in most towns and public places, many people (SIMPLE) ________ drop unwanted cans, wrappers etc on the ground.

(7) Many people regard environmental issues to be of social importance and make (POLITICS) ________ pay greater attention to their “green” policies.

(8) The Department of the Environment works with the support of a number of voluntary (ORGANIZE) ________ which encourage young people to fight for a better environment. (9) The success of the environmental movement often depends on people between 18 and 30, statistics say.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (POLLUTE) в предложении (3) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

26. Задание#T21408

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Looking after the environment

(1) Protecting the environment is now a major concern in Britain. (2) But despite many efforts (VARY) ________ threats to the environment remain.

(3) Unfortunately, there have been many cases of environmental (POLLUTE) ________ in Britain.

(4) These include the dumping of (CHEMISTRY) ________ and other waste on the land, the emission into the air of smoke and other toxic substances from factories, and the discharge of industrial effluents into rivers.

(5) The British have earned the unsavoury reputation of being Europe’s ‘litter louts’. (6) Although there are a lot of litter bins in most towns and public places, many people (SIMPLE) ________ drop unwanted cans, wrappers etc on the ground.

(7) Many people regard environmental issues to be of social importance and make (POLITICS) ________ pay greater attention to their “green” policies.

(8) The Department of the Environment works with the support of a number of voluntary (ORGANIZE) ________ which encourage young people to fight for a better environment. (9) The success of the environmental movement often depends on people between 18 and 30, statistics say.

Показать полностью
Преобразуйте слово (CHEMISTRY) в предложении (4) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

27. Задание#T21409

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Looking after the environment

(1) Protecting the environment is now a major concern in Britain. (2) But despite many efforts (VARY) ________ threats to the environment remain.

(3) Unfortunately, there have been many cases of environmental (POLLUTE) ________ in Britain.

(4) These include the dumping of (CHEMISTRY) ________ and other waste on the land, the emission into the air of smoke and other toxic substances from factories, and the discharge of industrial effluents into rivers.

(5) The British have earned the unsavoury reputation of being Europe’s ‘litter louts’. (6) Although there are a lot of litter bins in most towns and public places, many people (SIMPLE) ________ drop unwanted cans, wrappers etc on the ground.

(7) Many people regard environmental issues to be of social importance and make (POLITICS) ________ pay greater attention to their “green” policies.

(8) The Department of the Environment works with the support of a number of voluntary (ORGANIZE) ________ which encourage young people to fight for a better environment. (9) The success of the environmental movement often depends on people between 18 and 30, statistics say.

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Преобразуйте слово (SIMPLE) в предложении () так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

28. Задание#T21410

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Looking after the environment

(1) Protecting the environment is now a major concern in Britain. (2) But despite many efforts (VARY) ________ threats to the environment remain.

(3) Unfortunately, there have been many cases of environmental (POLLUTE) ________ in Britain.

(4) These include the dumping of (CHEMISTRY) ________ and other waste on the land, the emission into the air of smoke and other toxic substances from factories, and the discharge of industrial effluents into rivers.

(5) The British have earned the unsavoury reputation of being Europe’s ‘litter louts’. (6) Although there are a lot of litter bins in most towns and public places, many people (SIMPLE) ________ drop unwanted cans, wrappers etc on the ground.

(7) Many people regard environmental issues to be of social importance and make (POLITICS) ________ pay greater attention to their “green” policies.

(8) The Department of the Environment works with the support of a number of voluntary (ORGANIZE) ________ which encourage young people to fight for a better environment. (9) The success of the environmental movement often depends on people between 18 and 30, statistics say.

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Преобразуйте слово (POLITICS) в предложении (7) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.

29. Задание#T21411

Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст.

Looking after the environment

(1) Protecting the environment is now a major concern in Britain. (2) But despite many efforts (VARY) ________ threats to the environment remain.

(3) Unfortunately, there have been many cases of environmental (POLLUTE) ________ in Britain.

(4) These include the dumping of (CHEMISTRY) ________ and other waste on the land, the emission into the air of smoke and other toxic substances from factories, and the discharge of industrial effluents into rivers.

(5) The British have earned the unsavoury reputation of being Europe’s ‘litter louts’. (6) Although there are a lot of litter bins in most towns and public places, many people (SIMPLE) ________ drop unwanted cans, wrappers etc on the ground.

(7) Many people regard environmental issues to be of social importance and make (POLITICS) ________ pay greater attention to their “green” policies.

(8) The Department of the Environment works with the support of a number of voluntary (ORGANIZE) ________ which encourage young people to fight for a better environment. (9) The success of the environmental movement often depends on people between 18 and 30, statistics say.

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Преобразуйте слово (ORGANIZE) в предложении (8) так, чтобы оно грамматически соответствовало содержанию текста.
Полученное слово или словосочетание введите в поле ответа без пробелов.
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